About the Journal

FITOFARMAKA: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi (E-ISSN: 2622-755X, P-ISSN: 2087-9164) is a scientific journal that publish original and review articles such as Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Microbiology Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Clinical Pharmacy. It is a journal to encourage research publication to research scholars, academicians, professionals and student engaged in their respective field. This journal is published by Universitas Pakuan in June and December.

Author can submit manuscript by doing online submission. Author should prepare their manuscript to the instructions given in Author Guidelines before doing online submission. Template of article can be download in right sidebar. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical research, and relevance to journal contributions using peer review process.

This journal has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Third Grade (Sinta 3) since year 2018 to 2022 according to the Decree No. 85/M/KPT/2020.

FITOFARMAKA: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi has been covered by the following indexing and abstracting services:

  1. Crossref
  2. Beilefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
  3. Google Scholar
  4. Dimensions
  5. Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD)
  6. Garda Rujukan Digital (GARUDA)